Monday 17 September 2012

Melbourne day 1

It's currently 4.00pm here and we're currently sat on my top bunk in our shared hostel room.
It's a 10 person shared dorm. We've already met 5 of the others - a Finnish girl and guy, a local Aussie chap, a fellow pom and a Canadian guy, they're all very friendly.

We are experiencing a crazy form of zombified jet lag. In the last 2 days we've probably had about 6 hours sleep. But that has far from prevented us from having a productive morning...
We arrived here in Melbs at 9.00am where we got on a shuttle bus (Skybus) service to the hostel.
We dumped our bags at reception and took a wander into town to kill some time before check in at 2.00pm. We grabbed a bite to eat from a 7/11 and took a stroll into the centre of town where we got some hot tea (Beacuse it's cold and raining here, not to make you jealous or anything!).
Somehow we managed to end up on the road our Aus bank is on and we popped in to see if we could arrange a meeting for our debit cards to be set up. They ended up sorting everything for us in branch there and then so that's one less thing to do when the jet lag hits tomorrow!

So far we have really enjoyed the atmosphere here. The locals are super friendly and very helpful.
We're off out now to grab some dinner, or breakfast or whatever we're supposed to be eating right now as we're hoping to keep ourselves awake a little longer so we're not up too early tomorrow.
The centre has a really great boho vibe, a bit like Camden but much much busier with cafe upon cafe selling the huuugest muffins you can imagine.  YUM.



  1. Hi Em,

    Gald you got there ok! Hope the jet lag is not too bad. Melbourne sounds great. Missing you here. Take care. Finance team xx

  2. So jealous! Have a great time, hopefully I will be holidaying there soon myself in the first few months of next year :D xx

  3. Ooh! I'm just going to bed! I suppose you're getting up now. Seen any creepy crawlies yet? Is it really raining? We miss you xxxxx
